Feldspar Testing Lab

Feldspar is a raw material comprising aluminosilicate minerals such as calcium, potassium and sodium. These minerals are some of the most common, occurring in all classes of rock. As a result of their commonality, there are numerous types of feldspars with different mineral contents. 

Feldspar is valuable in glass and ceramic manufacturing, and it strengthens products and enhances their color. Manufacturers melt feldspar into a glaze that provides a strengthening coat over a product while softening it and lowering its melting point. 

The ideal mineral composition of feldspar varies with the application. There is a demand for compositional verification when purchasing feldspars for manufacturing use. McCreath Laboratories offers feldspar testing services from ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited laboratories. Our tests yield accurate, impartial data regarding the mineral composition of feldspar samples.

Independent Feldspar Verification and Analysis 

McCreath offers physical and chemical analysis of feldspar materials. As an independent mineral testing company, our services provide transparency and an unbiased evaluation.

We maintain ISO/IEC 17025:2017 certified laboratories to maximize control and accuracy during tests. Our staff comprises experienced chemists and technicians who leverage modern techniques alongside classical quantitative and classical qualitative methods.

Our laboratory tests yield precise measurements regarding the specifications you request. We break down the feldspar sample into its essential components and evaluate its chemical composition. Our measurements validate quality and performance claims and detect contaminants. 

Cutting-Edge Equipment 

Over the more than 140 years since our foundation, we have actively integrated the latest laboratory testing technology into our operations.  McCreath’s laboratory features the latest instrumentation for chemical analysis. Our laboratory tools enable precision and efficiency, allowing us to provide accurate information and reasonable turnaround times. 

Additional Services 

Our expertise extends from laboratory analysis to other integral fields, including: 

  • Sampling: Collecting feldspar samples that accurately represent the stockpile’s quality
  • Inspection: Assessing your stockpile to determine dimensions and evaluate aspects such as product quality.
  • Consulting: Assisting with answering any post analysis questions or concerns.
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Sample Submission Form

Get in Touch With McCreath Laboratories

Accuracy and impartiality are crucial when assessing feldspar samples, so choose an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited company with over a century of experience. McCreath has the tools, resources and personnel to offer reliable feldspar testing services. Please contact us online to discuss our capabilities.

ElementTechnique Reference Method